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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



Iron sharpens iron! At MCS, we believe athletics is more than competition between two teams representing different schools; it is an educational experience between the coach and the team through practice, competition and person-to-person relationships. Our approach to athletics has garnered success for the MCS Royals, with several of our teams having the opportunity to compete in provincial playoffs for their sport.

Want to make sure you don't miss tryouts?

Check out the seasons of play below and keep watch for more information from the school.

Badminton - January-April

Basketball - November-March

Cheer Team - September-April

Cross Country - September-October

Football - 6 Man SH September-November/ JH April-une

Soccer - JH September

Track and Field - April-June

Volleyball - September-November

Cross Country Running -

Elementary Relay Team -

Elementary Basketball - September-October


Athletic Handbook